Now I subscribe to plenty of daft ideas (astrology, reincarnation, etc.) and I refer you to my last blog post for some of the inherited craziness that I still indulge in. However, even I struggle with some of the thinking that pervades days like today. So the numbers seem meaningful and hence we're supposed to do something special are we ? Well what's wrong with doing something good, kind, or life changing on any day. How about stopping at some point on a random Tuesday to smell the air or smile at strangers (be careful with that one - it can create confusion and worry) rather than waiting until it is special - numerologically speaking.
It reminds me of the tradition we have of the news story that runs in January on the 'most depressing day of the year.' Apparently it's the day:
- we give up our new year's resolutions
- the cold, hard reality of winter sets in and Christmas and New Year are a mere memory
- gyms see a drop off in new members turning up who have paid up front for a whole year (and therefore subsidise people like me who take up free trial days all the time)
- we realise that getting paid early on Dec seemed a good idea at the time, but actually February is still a long way off now that Christmas is over
- we look longingly at holidays to cheer ourselves up
This makes me wonder who is making anything out of the whole 12th of December 2012 story. Is it even a money spinner for anyone or just a convenient run up to Christmas chance to get us all depressed in advance ? I've noticed that shops aren't nearly as busy as I expected at the moment. Is that because we're all skint or because we've not noticed that it's less than two weeks to Christmas ?
I've been baking and making for family and friends - when you're not employed it's difficult to justify spending on gifts - so I've been pretty busy. Hence, the realisation that I hadn't set aside a special moment to do something breathtaking at 12.12 today.
In case you really are interested I was tidying in the kitchen and preparing some soup for lunch which my son took one sip of and pushed away.
Totally worth it :o)
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