It's a bit of a challenge describing my perfect Christmas as I struggle to remember any that we had before our boy came along. It wasn't like we didn't do anything, but I just can't recall specifics. There was food, there were gifts, there was drinking and often a lot of travelling between families. Seasonal car hire was a feature as was the frantic working out how to operate the fog lights after dark when we were on the M3.
There are some things that make Christmas feel quite special for me and they're not exactly original or exciting, but I will share.
Christmas decorations:
I remember wandering around the brand new Westfield branch of M&S with my friend Natasha and buying glass tree decorations for the tree. I still have them, but they are packed away safely out of reach of toddler hands and there are ornaments made of wood, felt and even metal on the tree now. This year we have chocolate decorations for the first time - just for the boy. Last year nursery also sent home some of his handiwork - which made me suspicious as he never does any crafting all year so how he was inspired to make a fairy and a tree all at once was beyond me. Anyway, they are the best decorations on my tree. And they're not breakable.
Costumes for the boy:
Ok he may well hold this against me when he's an adult, but for now the boy is my dressing up dolly and I love it.
The first year he was baby Santa
Then he was an elf
Then he was a reindeer
This year I have bought a penguin outfit - he wanted the Gruffalo one, but it's not strictly Christmassy and it comes with a big furry head that will never get worn. Nope, trust me, penguin is the way to go.

We always go to my parents on Christmas Eve as it's my Dad's birthday. It means we are off the hook on Christmas Day if we choose to do something else. Hubbie likes to make Christmas dinner - and I'm no idiot, I don't argue - so I get to spend time arranging the table.
I pick out the crackers, choose the tablecloth, napkins and then me and the boy muck about while Hubbie toils away in the kitchen. It's proper relaxing and I don't even have to help with peeling or prepare any veggies. Result !!

I like traditions so every year I buy mistletoe and last year we taught our boy that you kiss under it. He looked up at it and walked away. After that he kept giving it a wide berth and ran off when aunties came to visit just in case.
I was told years ago that it's good luck to keep mistletoe in your house all year round which is the excuse I'm using for it still being up from last year.

Of course there is always speculation about whether or not it will be a white Christmas and when it does snow it is great fun as we live on a hill which is perfect for sledging on. I have already bought a sledge just in case.
It's not the same as the kind of snow you get on a skiing holiday, but if it does come down this year I may borrow some skis and pretend I'm in the Alps. I'll also overcharge myself for a hot chocolate and wait in line for ages to get back up the hill again.
My perfect Christmas:
I'd love to wake up in Kerala where I can practise yoga first thing in the morning and do nothing all day other than read a book by the pool. That would be my perfect Christmas.
For now, anywhere I can be with Hubbie and my boy will be just perfect.
”Merry Christmas! This post is my entry into the Tots100/Argos 12 Days of Christmas competition.“
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