
Tuesday 25 February 2014

Easy Like Sunday Morning

At the moment our boy is testing my sanity.

He screams, he rages, he throws things.

I find myself arguing with a 3 year old as if he's an adult (me and Hubbie rarely argue, he doesn't join in, so it's pointless)

It makes me feel like I'm rubbish as a parent. 

Then on Sunday morning we left Hubbie to lie in and came downstairs to give him some peace.

The boy sat on my lap on the sofa and we cuddled while watching TV. 

It made me so very happy :) 

This post is part of Mummy Never Sleeps linky "All the small things" 

All the Small Things - MummyNeverSleeps


  1. It's those moments when they're completely content and close to you that makes this difficult phase bearable, isn't it? I remember times when we were all just tearing our hair out in frustration with each other. I'm so glad we're past that now, and they still like to cuddle on the sofa :)

    1. Just as we seem to get through one difficult phase it seems another one starts. Thankfully he is also very sweet and cuddly :)

  2. Oh missus, totally feel your pain. I coined the tyrannical three's for this very reason, they're such bundles of defiance and emotion and RARGHHH! Never blame yourself, ya hear *stern look* and hold onto those lovely little moments :)

    1. I love the term "threenagers" - it totally describes this for me.

      Thank you :) xx

  3. I love those little moments when they are still and not throwing things at your head. Bliss. Lovely post #allthesmallthings

    1. At the moment I think the nice bits outweigh the not-so-nice - thankfully :)

      Thanks for popping by :) x

  4. Definitely with you, three is the most difficult age of all (I'm hoping so anyway!). My older two look at me with horror when I describe the things they did. It makes you feel like the most incompetent person on earth. You're right though, they also give the best ever cuddles at this age. Swings & roundabouts.

  5. There is nothing as lovely as a hug with your smallies... perfect moment you wish you could bottle.

  6. Three year olds are NEVER still are they? Ever?! *pained look*
    So precious when you get these moments :)

  7. I love that photo - mine are bigger now and I still love the huggles and cosying up on the sofa together. I want to keep it forever, even when I have a smelly teenage son and stroppy teenage daughter

  8. Remember what your Ma-in-Law said. These things will pass. Wise words even if at the moment it drives you nuts. You are the best mummy in the world to little K don't you forget it girlfriend

  9. I am breathing a sigh of relief for you. Those cuddles and us having a sit down are best made the most of before they're too cool for school methinks!
