
Saturday 25 May 2013

Candles, cake and a cup of tea in bed (please)

It's my birthday on Monday and I'm spending all weekend celebrating with meals out, afternoon tea and fun things with my boys. I'm very lucky to have a birthday that falls in the school half term so in the past have had the chance to spend it in fun places or at least not at work as it's a Bank Holiday. I've been to a Metallica gig at the NEC, had afternoon tea at the Grand in Brighton, been scuba diving in Egypt and been to Paris with friends.

baby on wall in Brighton
So, in this lazy birthday post I'm counting down my top five birthdays:

5. The school trip to France where everyone sang happy birthday to me after our first meal and I got a gift of a pencil that Madame Gilmour - the French teacher - bought on the ferry over. 

4. My 30th which was spent on the London Eye (the first of many trips on it - it's fab !!) followed by food and drinks and finishing at the long gone piano bar on Coventry St where Maureen Lipman turned up after a show and we just stared going "is it really her ?" until around 2am and stood in Trafalgar Square at 3am waiting for the night bus home. 

3. Las Vegas with Hubbie. We went on a gondola at the Venetian casino and ate lunch at the Paris casino. The waiter looked us up and down when we ordered a bottle of Chateauneuf du Pape as we clearly didn't look like we could afford it. We took a trip to the top of the half size Eiffel Tower and watched the Bellagio fountains for ages and ages. Then we went and looked at them from street level too. Magic !

Slice of cake saying birt on it 2. My 40th birthday party when I was pregnant and the theme was purple. The weather was gorgeous, we sat outside most of the day and I saw lots of friends who I hadn't seen in ages. At one point everyone was sitting outside chatting and eating and I felt so lucky to have so many lovely friends and family around me. 

1. The Champagne Bar at St Pancras Station with Hubbie and son. It was my first birthday after our son was born and we took him to Searcy's restaurant in the newly refurbished St Pancras station. He was his smiley, gorgeous self, won over our waitress and all the other staff and I had a wonderful time with both my special boys in a beautiful location. 

So, in case I'm too busy having fun to remember to blog - here's my favourite version of Happy Birthday by the divine Altered Images. Have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend y'all :o)

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